
Veggie and Tofu Miso Soup

Cooking Time: 30 min | Serves: 2

Veggie and Tofu Miso Soup

Cut the pak choi lengthways into four or eight pieces. Cut the tofu into strips and marinate in the Tamari for at least two hours. Cut the Wakame into strips and cook briefly in water.

Cut the shiitake into slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the garlic, ginger and shallot and fry briefly.

Add the shiitake, season with pepper and continue frying until the shiitake is cooked. Remove the shiitake and fry the pak choi briefly over a high heat. Once done, fry the tofu until golden brown.

Mix a third of the shiitake with the miso in a blender. Mix with 500 ml of stock and leave to simmer. Add the bean sprouts.

Serve the miso soup with the remaining shiitake, pak choi and tofu. Finish with chopped spring onion.

1/2 pak choi
Handful of wakame
1 tbsp peanut oil
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 cm ginger, grated
1 shallot, chopped
150 g shiitake mushrooms
3 tbsp Lentil Miso
500 ml stock
250 g tofu
5 tbsp Tamari Strong
100 g bean sprouts
Handful of spring onion